Dunder Mifflin 'The Office' Michael Scott Custom Baseball Jersey


This custom jersey will ship between April 05 and April 09.

Custom Name

Custom Number

The worst thing about prison was the dementors, but the best thing about your closet will be this jersey.

Free Personalization
Add your own custom name or number, or leave it blank. We don't care, it's your jersey. Custom personalization is free.

*If you do not specify a custom name and number in the boxes above, your jersey will not include a name and number.*

Click here to order the in-stock version of this jersey.


Premium Quality Guarantee

Designed For Competition

Produced by Triton, an athletic uniform manufacturer since 2008, our jerseys are designed for the rigors of competition. Because of this, you will find our quality to be far superior to jerseys found elsewhere from those who are not in the athletic manufacturing space.